DID YOU KNOW? Otters always wash themselves after every meal. Ecokins are made from 100% RECYCLED fabric and fibre fill. Using 16 plastic water bottles for a 12” plush, recycled...
DID YOU KNOW? Giant Pandas have special front paws. Both paws have five fingers plus a thumb. Ecokins are made from 100% RECYCLED fabric and fibre fill. Using 16 plastic...
DID YOU KNOW? The male Bee is called a drone. Ecokins are made from 100% RECYCLED fabric and fibre fill. Using 16 plastic water bottles for a 12” plush, recycled...
DID YOU KNOW? Some Tortoise species can live up to more than a hundred years. Specially designed to look like the real thing and feel like a great big hug,...
DID YOU KNOW? Red Tailed Hawks can't move their eyes in their sockets and have to move their heads to look around. Specially designed to look like the real thing...
DID YOU KNOW? Cownose Rays get their name from their unique forehead, which resembles the nose of a cow. Specially designed to look like the real thing and feel like...
DID YOU KNOW? Zebras are dark skinned animals. However, their fur has both dark and white hair. Ecokins are made from 100% RECYCLED fabric and fibre fill. Using 16 plastic...
DID YOU KNOW? Koalas sleep an average of 18 hours per day which is over 2.5 times more than humans sleep in a day. Ecokins are made from 100% RECYCLED...
DID YOU KNOW? Elephants use their trunks for smelling, breathing, trumpeting, drinking, and also for grabbing things. Ecokins are made from 100% RECYCLED fabric and fibre fill. Using 16 plastic...
DID YOU KNOW? Sawfish are protected in the United States, Australia and many other places around the world, which means fishermen must return them to the water if caught. Specially...
DID YOU KNOW? Harbor Seals have large eyes that are protected by oily “tears” which help the seal see in deep, dark waters. Specially designed to look like the real...
DID YOU KNOW? The Beluga Whale has a flexible neck that enables it to turn its head in all directions. Specially designed to look like the real thing and feel...
Ecokins are made from 100% RECYCLED fabric and fibre fill. Using 16 plastic water bottles for a 12” plush, recycled paper hang tag, cotton string and biodegradable packing, the Ecokins...
DID YOU KNOW? Polar Bears have nearly 10cm of blubber under their skin, and this keeps them warm. Ecokins are made from 100% RECYCLED fabric and fibre fill. Using 16...
DID YOU KNOW? Sea Lions don’t drink water at all - they get all the water they need from their food. Specially designed to look like the real thing and...
DID YOU KNOW? Sea Turtles have special glands which help remove salt from the water they drink. Specially designed to look like the real thing and feel like a great...