DID YOU KNOW? Sloths are impressive swimmers because of their long arms. Specially designed to look like the real thing and feel like a great big hug, Jumbo Cuddlekins are...
DID YOU KNOW? During the day, Red Eyed Tree Frogs sleep under leaves where they can hide their colours and blend into the foliage. Specially designed to look like the...
DID YOU KNOW? Sea Turtles have special glands which help remove salt from the water they drink. Specially designed to look like the real thing and feel like a great...
DID YOU KNOW? Every Tiger has a unique pattern of stripes, just like our fingerprints. Specially designed to look like the real thing and feel like a great big hug,...
DID YOU KNOW? Some Crocodiles live in saltwater and have specialized salt glands that help to filter out salt. Specially designed to look like the real thing and feel like...
DID YOU KNOW? Although the White Tiger is a good swimmer, unfortunately it is a poor climber. Specially designed to look like the real thing and feel like a great...
DID YOU KNOW? Female Snow Leopards usually give birth to 1 to 5 cubs, averaging 2-3 cubs each pregnancy. Specially designed to look like the real thing and feel like...
DID YOU KNOW? The Hippo does not sweat, but secrets a reddish substance that protects its skin from sunburn and keeps it moist. Specially designed to look like the real...
DID YOU KNOW? A Giraffe Calf is six feet tall at birth and is able to stand after about twenty minutes. Specially designed to look like the real thing and...
DID YOU KNOW? Scientists estimate that after a big meal, a great white shark can last up to three months before needing another one. Specially designed to look like the...
DID YOU KNOW? The Unicorn is the national animal of Scotland. Specially designed to look like the real thing and feel like a great big hug, Jumbo Cuddlekins are made...
DID YOU KNOW? The Octopus has three hearts. Two are used for pumping blood through the gills, and the third pumps the pale blue blood of the Octopus through the...
DID YOU KNOW? Lions are affectionate and playful when resting, which can usually take up to 16 - 20 hours a day, and extremely defensive and nasty when food is...
DID YOU KNOW? The Cheetah has black "tear tracks" running from the inside corner of each eye to the mouth. These marks may serve as an anti-glare mechanism for daytime...
DID YOU KNOW? A Giant Panda needs to consume a comparatively large amount of food, roughly 20 to 40 pounds of bamboo each day to get all its nutrients. Specially...