DID YOU KNOW? Basking in the sun is important for Iguanas to increase their body temperature and to aid digestion. Specially designed to look like the real thing and feel...
DID YOU KNOW? Mosquitoes bother Orangutans just like they do humans and they will use branches like fly swatters to swish them away. Specially designed to look like the real...
DID YOU KNOW? The Cheetah is the only cat that cannot retract its claws, this helps it get a better grip while running. Specially designed to look like the real...
DID YOU KNOW? Every Orca has a mark behind its dorsal fin that is totally unique, just like our fingerprints are unique to each of us. Specially designed to look...
DID YOU KNOW? Flamingos get their pink colour from carotene rich foods that they eat. Specially designed to look like the real thing and feel like a great big hug,...
DID YOU KNOW? Each African Wild Dog has its own unique coat pattern. Specially designed to look like the real thing and feel like a great big hug, Cuddlekins are...
DID YOU KNOW? A family of Peacocks is called a Bevy. Specially designed to look like the real thing and feel like a great big hug, Cuddlekins are incredibly soft...
DID YOU KNOW? Lions are the second largest big cat species in the world, after Tigers. Specially designed to look like the real thing and feel like a great big...
DID YOU KNOW? Snow Leopard has the thickest coat of any cat Specially designed to look like the real thing and feel like a great big hug, Cuddlekins are incredibly...
DID YOU KNOW? Humpback Whales are the ocean's acrobats. They jump completely out of the water, and land on their backs with a terrific splash. Specially designed to look like...
DID YOU KNOW? A group of Tigers is known as an ‘ambush’ or ‘streak’. Specially designed to look like the real thing and feel like a great big hug, Cuddlekins...
DID YOU KNOW? Ring-Tailed Lemurs have a specialized tooth used for scraping during grooming. Specially designed to look like the real thing and feel like a great big hug, Cuddlekins...
DID YOU KNOW? In Ancient Egypt Hyenas were domesticated and raised for food. Specially designed to look like the real thing and feel like a great big hug, Cuddlekins are...
DID YOU KNOW? Some Dolphins can hold their breath for as long as 30 minutes. Specially designed to look like the real thing and feel like a great big hug,...
DID YOU KNOW? Sloths have extra neck vertebrae and can turn their heads 270 degrees. Specially designed to look like the real thing and feel like a great big hug,...