DID YOU KNOW? When a Meerkat is keeping watch, it will make a constant peeping sound known as a watchman’s song. Specially designed to look like the real thing and...
DID YOU KNOW? The Ostrich lays the biggest eggs of any bird. Specially designed to look like the real thing and feel like a great big hug, Cuddlekins are incredibly...
DID YOU KNOW? Most Macaws start out with grey or black eyes when they’re young, which change to brown or yellow when they mature. Specially designed to look like the...
DID YOU KNOW? A family of Peacocks is called a Bevy. Specially designed to look like the real thing and feel like a great big hug, Cuddlekins are incredibly soft...
DID YOU KNOW? Platypus close their eyes and ears when under water. Specially designed to look like the real thing and feel like a great big hug, Cuddlekins are incredibly...
DID YOU KNOW? Emperor penguins can dive deeper than any bird and stay underwater for up to 20 minutes at a time. Specially designed to look like the real thing...
DID YOU KNOW? Polar Bears have black skin under their outer layer of white fur. Specially designed to look like the real thing and feel like a great big hug,...
DID YOU KNOW? If you count the rings on a Mountain Goat’s horns, you can tell the number of winters the goat has lived. Specially designed to look like the...
DID YOU KNOW? A young Rabbit is called a kit or kitten. Specially designed to look like the real thing and feel like a great big hug, Cuddlekins are incredibly...
DID YOU KNOW? Red Pandas spend more than 85% of their time in trees. Specially designed to look like the real thing and feel like a great big hug, Cuddlekins...
DID YOU KNOW? Red Tailed Hawks can't move their eyes in their sockets and have to move their heads to look around. Specially designed to look like the real thing...
DID YOU KNOW? You may think Rhinos are thick skinned, but their skin is actually quite sensitive to sunburn and insect bites - which is why they love to wallow...
DID YOU KNOW? Ring-Tailed Lemurs have a specialized tooth used for scraping during grooming. Specially designed to look like the real thing and feel like a great big hug, Cuddlekins...
DID YOU KNOW? Sometimes Rockhopper Penguins will leap in and out of the water as they swim. This is called porpoising. Specially designed to look like the real thing and...
DID YOU KNOW? The Scarlet Macaw can eat fruits that are poisonous enough to kill other animals. This could be because they also eat large amounts of clay, which is...
DID YOU KNOW? Silverback Gorillas are close relatives to humans, sharing around 98% of the same DNA. Specially designed to look like the real thing and feel like a great...